Thursday, May 24, 2007

the dangers of society, pt. 1

So this is a conversation I just had, struck a chord with me with how true to society it is so I put it her for posterity. (posterity... post-erity... allright, just believe me when I tell you that pun was unintentional but when I saw it I couldn't help but point it out.)

"This is where we fight! This is where they die!!" says:

Caitlin~*~ metropolis has nothing on this says:

"This is where we fight! This is where they die!!" says:
how are yah?

Caitlin~*~ metropolis has nothing on this says:
great grand you caught me in a really good mood

"This is where we fight! This is where they die!!" says:
im glad to hear it

Caitlin~*~ metropolis has nothing on this says:
lol, how are yah?

"This is where we fight! This is where they die!!" says:
im pretty good

Caitlin~*~ metropolis has nothing on this says:
only pretty good?

"This is where we fight! This is where they die!!" says:
well im tired and a bit sore

"This is where we fight! This is where they die!!" says:
buit other then that everything is awesome

Caitlin~*~ metropolis has nothing on this says:
tired and sore... climb everest? battle personal demons? save a kitten from a blazing inferno? what happened?

"This is where we fight! This is where they die!!" says:
well i was in the middle of saving the world from a crisis when i realized that i had to work so i worked for five hours

Caitlin~*~ metropolis has nothing on this says:
and then saved us from that evil genius who was trying global takover by controlling the weather patterns? I am so proud to know you!

"This is where we fight! This is where they die!!" says:
well i do my best to save humanity

Caitlin~*~ metropolis has nothing on this says:
haha, which is all we can truly ask for, but you know the human race, so fickle, our heroes need to let us down but once for us to turn our backs on them

"This is where we fight! This is where they die!!" says:
it's so true

"This is where we fight! This is where they die!!" says:
i just don't understand it

Caitlin~*~ metropolis has nothing on this says:
its tough to be a superman

"This is where we fight! This is where they die!!" says:
it really is

~Well that was it, think on it, and not that passing "hmm, you are right 'the girl', thats interesting" really think about it!

Oh and I will have an update later, I am in a really good cause something I was terrified about turned out for nothing (thank the powers that be). I wont even tell you guys it was that ridiculous. But I do indeed have stories that I will try to include in here when I want to spare the time.

Song: 11:11 PM by The All American Rejects

Saying: If you obey all the rules, You will miss all the fun (Katherine Hepburn)

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Turning over that damn leaf only to find it is still just a leaf.

Just updating quick! Start work tomorrow, which, although I am gonna miss just lounging on the deck, is still a good thing seeing as I spent my last 500 on a new summer wardrobe. It consists of ridiculously expensive Capri's and tops, oh and a white suit! They are all so pretty, sigh....

So working at the pulp mill! Yes, I have a hard hat, and earplugs, and a radio, and safety glasses, and all sorts of nifty safety stuff I have to wear. It is rockin. I will make sure to document it for all of you at home.

I love a mall here, Aberdeen. So great! The pool at the university is amazing, I have found myself a nice pub called Duffy's, and went for a great BBQ the other day and met some interesting people.

all in all life is alright. I saved a baby bird yesterday, tried to set it free only to find right back in need of rescuing, took it in, fed it, let it sleep in a shoebox and set it free again this morning, and... It came back by afternoon. I have given this one more go and hope that it doesn't come back, because frankly, as much as I would love too, I just have no time for baby bird. I am working a week straight starting tomorrow and each day will be a 12 hour shifts. There is no way I can work that and still take care of chirpy! Hope to lord I never have to deal with unwanted pregnancy cause dealing with baby bird is hard enough.

Well enough of that random rant. I will end this post the same as the previous one and I am sure many to follow. I miss you all and hope to see you soon!

Song: Never again by Kelly Clarkson

Saying: That which burns brightest burns out first.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

No through road

So I am in Kamloops (yeahhhhh)

So far so good, I have spent my last few days of idleness wandering the streets, figuring out how to get downtown, seeing my new house, deciding various things and checking out the new digs. The house is kinda cool, not our house, but we can change that.

I also have applied at Thompson River University, or TRU for short. It feels like Highschool it is so small, and get this, they have an acting school and culinary school on the oh-so-small campus. Oh my, I am a snob. A Universtiy Snob. I honestly feel to good for this school, and am pretty much gaurenteed admission even with my not so steller GPA. I cannot really specialize without going somewhere else, but it seems like there isn't alot that can really be done here, you must go somewhere else.

I am not positive even yet if I will stay here. I know for the summer, but following I might decide to return to saskatoon and only take 3 courses a semester. Lighter course load means more time to work and earn money, as well as more time to decide on a futere plan of action. Then again, it also means if I want to go into law then I have 2 more years ahead of myself. Life is full of hard decisions

there is also the case of where will I live, there are many places available, Kat is offering me a room, dan said sure, so did tyson and Jenna, but I also might move in with jackie if that goes through. Then there are all my friends who say they want to move out, but I am not holding my breath.

Well I have my first day of training at the mill on the 9th, then a week later start working. 2 grand in 2 weeks!! pretty nice!!!! Then I am working waitressing and at sportchek here. my life this summer will be work work work. To keep options open one must first have the money available to make any decisions they want.

Enough of the now, and the future, what of the past?!

Friday was a top night everyone! Top Night!
unfortunately it was one of those top nights where I was extremely smashed and don't remember everything, so the highlights

-Cant get in! Then jackie gets me VIP entrance
-being flipped before I knew what was happening.
-drinking in the back with Jackie
-lewd suggestions for one of my guy friends who just so happens to be taken! B! Not many people will know you and I have never met your girlfriend, but I do know she exists!
-passing out, twice...
-getting to dereks god knows how... how did we end up with you guys anyways?
-the most politically incorrect jokes ever!
-great fun!
-damn bruises

then there was the ride to kamloops, I saw so much wildlife! It was ridiculous! my mum and I snuck into a hottub after hours, tried out the merrils and listened to a great story. It was a pretty good trip!

Now in the city I went for great sushi already.

What more could a girl want?

Well I miss you all, Jamie I so badly want one of our work talks!!! I only just realized I confide almost everything in you, how did that happen? I guess its cause your one of my only friends who is truly good :P

Kayly! Of course I will let you get me drunk when I get home!

Jordon, Kayla.. hahahaha all I can say, and kayla, You are a much better person then I, rather then tend to his drunk ass I would have just left him on a curb!

Song: 32 flavours by Alana Davis
Saying: I am a poster girl with no poster

Thats all! tata for now!

Love the Girl