Tuesday, February 13, 2007


It's Valentines day! A day of Cinnamon kisses, chocolate wishes, and construction paper hearts that still mean more then Hallmark, despite their best attempts. Today people profess their love for their significant other (Or giddily dance around the three famous words), get drunk with the boys, or watch Audrey Hepburn in Funnyface through mascara tinted tears, depending on your current relationship situation.

Now Valentine's day, like any other event promoting happiness, has it's harpers of badwill. Like an overstuffed closet, it doesn't take much prodding for a flood of valentine dissenters to come pouring out, efficiently burying you in shoes, groans, and mumbled negativity. And for what reason? Can anyone truly have anything against a day that simply commemorates love, romance, and relationships? Of course not!

But they can dislike the one day of the year where it is more obvious then ever they still haven't found 'the one' without any qualms.

Do what I do! Just because you haven't found it yet doesn't mean you never will! If you truly believe you never will find that 'other half', well I suggest 1L of Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia to help you come to terms with that. Me? I am grabbing some valentines for my other single gal-pals, some cheesy, feel-good-so-sappy-romantic-it-hurts movies, and a tub of those Cinnamon hearts (can't get enough!) and plunking down to enjoy it. God knows I am not the first girl single on this fateful day and I won't be the last. Why feel alone when there are obviously so many of us?
Song: My only one by the Plain White T's

Saying: If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?

Happy Valentines Day!

~Love The Girl

1 comment:

jamie* said...

Well said Caitlin.
Well said indeed.