Monday, October 12, 2009

To trace my palm,
Who's future are you trying to read?
The Veins upon my wrist
sketch terrain to my
my breath, my staccato, my tempo
but my rhythm is set between my hips
my lips
and there is the rhapsody.
so spread your fingers wide to span my waist
the keys are there, so learn to play
before winter takes this flesh again

Thursday, March 5, 2009

my biggest weakness? Classical musicians and academics. Haha, you asked.
But your right, I don't know what I am looking for anymore
mmm, my hair is short now, I guess you wouldn't know that... oh and I am thinking of taking next year off! I just don't know about anything anymore, what i want to do, who I want to be, hell if I even know who I am right now.
haha, and now you've made me go a sound so melancholy, your turn now before someone starts asking weird questions.
Oh! And a picture I hope you'll like
remember Cap Roig, Tarragona, Spain

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Back in a Little Black Dress

With a year gone and past since my last posting, and many new experiences, it feels like it is now time to notch a new belt.
with this I will start new, My past year will be my own, and will only be refferred to. There is too many current themes that need updating that it will take far too much time to fill everyone in. Important points
-I moved to B.C. and now I am back in Bridge City
-I am still a student
Now onto life
Snowboarding has become amazingly a huge part of my life, I live for my days at the hill. Sun, Snow, and Most importantly, hot snowboarder boys
I am loving the single life, i am dating, but not in relationships, Though us all being human, sex is sometimes an issue in my attempts to keep it a non-issue
I am going to keep these short and sweet so lets go over our list
B-Boy:Cute breakdancer I dated waay back in the day for about a week. It was, and is, very PG
Jesse:Old Flame from Kamloops, deadly
Bar boy:A random hookup that occasionally raises its tousled head
Stalker boy: enough said, more in a later update
CB: One of those very cute boys who you just always have a crush on
Nightcap: An old friend who is quickly becoming an undercover man for under the sheets

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Guerrila warfare and cake mix

Ahah! It has been awhile hasn't it? But in the spirit in which this blog was started (as an excuse to avoid schoolwork) I have returned!
Perhaps its the white chocolate mocha (with a dash of peppermint), maybe it's all the new cute clothes that come with the season, or perhaps it is the upkeeping of my strata (much to the detriment of my wallet) but I seem to be in a frantic, yet happy mood.
I should be writing a paper, dealing with my phone issues (such as getting it fixed so people can contact me once again) and generally be getting my life together, but you know what? In the timeless words of my 6 year old brother...
I don't wanna
So there, instead I am going to waste this precious time posting things that caught my eye! Now if any of you are looking to be entertained or updated on the life of Caitlin, click back to your facebook or whatever now. In fact, do that anyway, this is simply for me and posterity.

"Love is hell!'
"Oh? Well Pergatory isn't a picnic either, at least your committed!"
"oh he's committed all right did you kno-"
"Discarding that notion, I must be in heavan then? Hmm, thats little consolation."
"Ted? What do you think?"
"Who me?"
"See any other Ted's around?"
"Funny... I think I am glad I am an athiest!"

All my life I have lived in a shadow of a mountain. I have called him father and he in turn endeared me as son. As a child my siblings and I would rumble and tug, leap and crawl upon him, causing him to excalim "Am I a man or a mountain!" to which our delighted voices would reply "A mountain!", how young, how astute, how precocious were we.

Take a bow,
nod your head,
just one more moment
and they'll be dead
the fleurescent wash,
for eyes ascending
safety in light
forever depending
the darkeness brings forth
the moths, the desperate
for that fire, that knowledge
willingly abdicate.
Fly forward,
wings like a nervous hand
fluttering, alighting
without a safe place to land
a transaction in darkness, for we will only fly to the flame, and up in smoke!
up up up she goes, up she goes up...
are you pensive? are you present? alive? a comfort?
I ask again are you a comfort?
truly you have forgotten your powdery wings, and your precarious posistion
how pregnant with fear and hope in equal measure
have you left them shattered or simply unfinished,
and why do you still persue that rainbow? you know it is intangible, a translucent thing, without even enough reality to slide upon your fingers
don't falsely endear me, when you cannot claim to know me
except within the biblical sense.
I tried counting sheep to help me sleep,
but I only knew enough people to stave off the night
shall you know my name, but only a name?
like pretty or nice, or cruel and human
Surely any other flower?
so sweet
the chemical comfort,

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Where thy loyalties lie

A little piece of wisdom for everyone out in the world.

A Saturday is nothing without tea and toast.

So I am just updating, I have a job at Cowboy coffee (think Starbucks then up the quality about 20 times, that's right, we are barista's, coffee bean specialists and ambassadors to the finer of Kamloop's citizens. We serve the Lawyers and power suit business people of lovely downtown. I am working full time and loving it.

Just now I got back from strolling the downtown streets with Kip (my dog) Adrian (friend) and Reba (The pure-bred golden retriever show dog... Kippy is still the best dog in the world) It was fun, grabbed some lattes from work and sauntered the streets in the rain. Funniest moment is when a guy stopped to talk to us about Kippy (Haha she gets more attention then us!) and says "Hi grandma" to Adrian. She had her hood up and he thought I was out for a walk with my grandmother! Oh my, by far the best nickname story. This one is gonna stick!

Tonight I am off to a BBQ with some friends then a barnyard dance with Megan (a friend from work) and some others. Should be a good time, sobriety not welcome!

So I have been busy, I am currently "seeing" a guy named Pieter who I met while working the shutdown at the pulp mill. Oh wow is he gorgeous! Tall blond and built like a Calvin Klein underwear model (I know cause we went to the beach the other day!). He is Icelandic and the funniest thing is he has an Uncle Thor (I know I cant get enough of this!) who teaches Jenny's class. I think I will just leave out the fact that Jenny and all her friends think that Thor is a total creep. I suppose Jenny will have to miss family get-togethers. It isn't serious at all (don't worry guys, I am not going to fall in love here despite thoughts to the contrary) but as much as I joke I only go out with him cause he is a great looking accessory he actually is a really great guy. He is very quite though, not a big partier, prefers to just watch a movie or go to a pub for drinks, definitely a different pace then I am used to but I don't mind.

So Jen just got back from a week in Van, mum is up for the weekend and dad is here so we are back to a nearly full house! Maeve is back in a month, Andrew and Dan were supposed to come up this weekend but they decided not to (Andrew couldn't get off work). But come Monday the house is empty again, Mom is back in Van for the continuation of her bar course, I drive Dad to the airport so he can jet off to Prince George for the week and Jen... oh well she is around but I work 9-5 all next week and have some things to do so I don't know how much we will be together. I think I am going to set aside a few evenings for just her and I. Sushi and movies or something like that.

Well I have to go get ready for the BBQ and by that I mean I have to go pick up a case of Molson, If I am meeting a bunch of new people I better be able to offer them some beer, the automatic friend maker!

That is all for now, sorry it has taken me so long to get an update out to you all! Drop me a line! Jordan I will send you my addy, I am definitely looking forward to some CD's! Miss you Jackomite! Kayla! Be good darlin, it's breakin my heart to be away from you (haha heartbreaker!) will be up to see everyone sometime soon!
Oh, and for me, how about you all blast some ridiculous song (like take it off by the donnas) and dance around the kitchen singin at the top of your lungs, the amount that I do this nowadays it is more then possible you are dancing and singing with me!

Song: Redemption by Gackt
Saying: Always remember, the future comes one day at a time

~Love from The Girl

Thursday, May 24, 2007

the dangers of society, pt. 1

So this is a conversation I just had, struck a chord with me with how true to society it is so I put it her for posterity. (posterity... post-erity... allright, just believe me when I tell you that pun was unintentional but when I saw it I couldn't help but point it out.)

"This is where we fight! This is where they die!!" says:

Caitlin~*~ metropolis has nothing on this says:

"This is where we fight! This is where they die!!" says:
how are yah?

Caitlin~*~ metropolis has nothing on this says:
great grand you caught me in a really good mood

"This is where we fight! This is where they die!!" says:
im glad to hear it

Caitlin~*~ metropolis has nothing on this says:
lol, how are yah?

"This is where we fight! This is where they die!!" says:
im pretty good

Caitlin~*~ metropolis has nothing on this says:
only pretty good?

"This is where we fight! This is where they die!!" says:
well im tired and a bit sore

"This is where we fight! This is where they die!!" says:
buit other then that everything is awesome

Caitlin~*~ metropolis has nothing on this says:
tired and sore... climb everest? battle personal demons? save a kitten from a blazing inferno? what happened?

"This is where we fight! This is where they die!!" says:
well i was in the middle of saving the world from a crisis when i realized that i had to work so i worked for five hours

Caitlin~*~ metropolis has nothing on this says:
and then saved us from that evil genius who was trying global takover by controlling the weather patterns? I am so proud to know you!

"This is where we fight! This is where they die!!" says:
well i do my best to save humanity

Caitlin~*~ metropolis has nothing on this says:
haha, which is all we can truly ask for, but you know the human race, so fickle, our heroes need to let us down but once for us to turn our backs on them

"This is where we fight! This is where they die!!" says:
it's so true

"This is where we fight! This is where they die!!" says:
i just don't understand it

Caitlin~*~ metropolis has nothing on this says:
its tough to be a superman

"This is where we fight! This is where they die!!" says:
it really is

~Well that was it, think on it, and not that passing "hmm, you are right 'the girl', thats interesting" really think about it!

Oh and I will have an update later, I am in a really good cause something I was terrified about turned out for nothing (thank the powers that be). I wont even tell you guys it was that ridiculous. But I do indeed have stories that I will try to include in here when I want to spare the time.

Song: 11:11 PM by The All American Rejects

Saying: If you obey all the rules, You will miss all the fun (Katherine Hepburn)

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Turning over that damn leaf only to find it is still just a leaf.

Just updating quick! Start work tomorrow, which, although I am gonna miss just lounging on the deck, is still a good thing seeing as I spent my last 500 on a new summer wardrobe. It consists of ridiculously expensive Capri's and tops, oh and a white suit! They are all so pretty, sigh....

So working at the pulp mill! Yes, I have a hard hat, and earplugs, and a radio, and safety glasses, and all sorts of nifty safety stuff I have to wear. It is rockin. I will make sure to document it for all of you at home.

I love a mall here, Aberdeen. So great! The pool at the university is amazing, I have found myself a nice pub called Duffy's, and went for a great BBQ the other day and met some interesting people.

all in all life is alright. I saved a baby bird yesterday, tried to set it free only to find right back in need of rescuing, took it in, fed it, let it sleep in a shoebox and set it free again this morning, and... It came back by afternoon. I have given this one more go and hope that it doesn't come back, because frankly, as much as I would love too, I just have no time for baby bird. I am working a week straight starting tomorrow and each day will be a 12 hour shifts. There is no way I can work that and still take care of chirpy! Hope to lord I never have to deal with unwanted pregnancy cause dealing with baby bird is hard enough.

Well enough of that random rant. I will end this post the same as the previous one and I am sure many to follow. I miss you all and hope to see you soon!

Song: Never again by Kelly Clarkson

Saying: That which burns brightest burns out first.